1. Because you're allergic to so many things, it's pretty impossible to gain too much weight.
2. When you're faced with a really nasty looking, oddly orange-coloured casserole made with cream of mushroom soup, orange juice, overcooked salmon and topped with Ritz crackers, you can truthfully say you're allergic and lie that you're sad you can't eat it since it looks wonderful.
3. The chefs at restaurants frequently make your custom, allergy-free meal way better than your dinner companions' meals and you are envied.
4. Since every restaurant isn't allergy-friendly you get to pick where you want to go when you eat out with friends and family (though you never take advantage of course).

6. You know enough medical terms that you can actually follow what the actors are saying on House.
7. You baby your skin so much that you'll look 30 when you're 45.
8. To avoid eating scary casseroles (see number 2), you start cooking and realize you're really good at it.
9. You are always well-stocked with epinephrine, anti-histamines, Kleenex, lotion, lip balm, etc.; so, you are literally and figuratively a life-saver at any event.
10. You know what you can't eat or use; so, you love trying out safe, new foods and products. Your friends and family love your recommendations.
If you've got anything to add, I'd love to read it; so, please add it to the comments below!