Every time I hear about another death from food allergies, I am horrified, sad and take it as another reminder to be vigilant. I just read an article about Diallo Robbins-Brinson who passed away in Atlanta this past Monday. My intent here is not to be critical. My intent is to point out what must be learned from this.
Allergies are not a fixed thing. Personally, my food allergies developed over almost a decade and within that time, some came and went a few times. Even now, in my 30s, I have some that may have disappeared and I'm careful to eat a variety of foods and never become dependant on one thing should I develop another allergy. I also know a handful of people who developed allergies in their 20s and they had no history of allergies, personal or familial. If you are allergic to anything, you unfortunately must assume that you can develop other allergies.
The other point is that in the article, it stated that according to his mother, Robbins-Brinson was "so accustomed to avoiding peanuts, Diallo no longer carried an Epi-Pen". It's pretty obvious why this horrifies me. Sorry to use that word twice, but that's what it is - horror. I am very accustomed to avoiding eggs, dairy, certain nuts and shellfish, but under no circumstances would I not carry two EpiPens with me. If I didn't have my EpiPen (I always have my EpiPen), I wouldn't eat.
Complacency and comfort are things allergic people can never afford to be. Not ever. We can never get accustomed to being safe. We're just not. We can live our lives normally and be positive and optimistic (and we should be), but no matter what, we have to be critical and be prepared for the worst.
Once again, I am not criticizing the family at all. This was an undiagnosed allergy and I can certainly understand why Robbins-Brinson did everything the way he did. I've written before about how I can feel "too safe" when I'm staying with friends and family.
What I am saying is that parents and caregivers should have frank discussions with their child's/teen's immunologist and their child/teen. For adults, being older doesn't mean you're wiser and it certainly doesn't mean you can stop an anaphylactic attack. If any doctors are reading this, you need to be a lot more frank with your patients. A little bit of fear is not a bad thing if it makes someone carry an EpiPen or wear a MedicAlert bracelet. I'll admit that a horror story about a freshman who was force-fed eggs during university initiation and suffered severe anaphylaxis was what it took for me to become so vigilant about my own health years ago.
I would love to see an awareness campaign about always carrying epinephrine auto-injectors developed by a social profit allergy organization and funded by the makers of epinephrine auto-injectors. It worked for seatbealts.
So, please learn the lessons here. Allergies change and under no circumstances should anyone with allergies or asthma be without an epinephrine auto-injector or medical bracelet. It's just not worth it.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Celebrating Food Allergy Awareness Month in Canada
It's that time of year again. This is a great chance to educate others about what it means to be food allergic while getting involved with some great Canadian organizations and making a difference. There are so many simple ways to show your support.
Say Thanks
1. Anaphylaxis Canada wants you to nominate a "Difference Maker" - someone in your life who has made a difference in keeping you or someone you love with allergies safe. For information and deadlines, please visit: http://www.anaphylaxis.ca/en/media/hot_topics.html?news_id=17
2. OlliLolli is currently looking for an Allergy Aware Hero. Nominate someone who makes an outstanding difference to promote allergy awareness in Canada. To nominate someone and check out the rules, please visit: http://www.ollilolli.com/blog/the-2012-olli-lolli-allergy-aware-hero-award/
There are plenty of social profit (a.k.a. not-for-profit) organizations in Canada that need your help. To find out more visit great organizations like Anaphylaxis Canada, The Eczema Society of Canada, The Asthma Society of Canada and the Allergy/Asthma Information Association. No matter how much time you have to spare, you can find something to fit your schedule and make a difference.
All across the country, allergy walks are happening throughout May. Get involved and fundraise for a worthwhile cause. For more information on EpiPen Take Action walks occurring throughout the country, please visit the Allergy/Asthma Information Association website.
Anaphylaxis Canada has a series of information sessions in Barrie, Toronto and Hamilton. For dates and to register, visit the event page at: http://www.anaphylaxis.ca/en/media/events.html?news_id=11
For even more, visit Anaphylaxis Canada's Hot Topics page. There's great information about how to order posters, get involved with the WhyRiskIt teen program and even learn about the Sabrina Shannon Memorial Award.
Have some more ideas or want to share what you're doing? Please feel free to share in the comments section!
Happy Allergy Awareness Month!
Say Thanks
1. Anaphylaxis Canada wants you to nominate a "Difference Maker" - someone in your life who has made a difference in keeping you or someone you love with allergies safe. For information and deadlines, please visit: http://www.anaphylaxis.ca/en/media/hot_topics.html?news_id=17
2. OlliLolli is currently looking for an Allergy Aware Hero. Nominate someone who makes an outstanding difference to promote allergy awareness in Canada. To nominate someone and check out the rules, please visit: http://www.ollilolli.com/blog/the-2012-olli-lolli-allergy-aware-hero-award/

There are plenty of social profit (a.k.a. not-for-profit) organizations in Canada that need your help. To find out more visit great organizations like Anaphylaxis Canada, The Eczema Society of Canada, The Asthma Society of Canada and the Allergy/Asthma Information Association. No matter how much time you have to spare, you can find something to fit your schedule and make a difference.
All across the country, allergy walks are happening throughout May. Get involved and fundraise for a worthwhile cause. For more information on EpiPen Take Action walks occurring throughout the country, please visit the Allergy/Asthma Information Association website.

For even more, visit Anaphylaxis Canada's Hot Topics page. There's great information about how to order posters, get involved with the WhyRiskIt teen program and even learn about the Sabrina Shannon Memorial Award.
Have some more ideas or want to share what you're doing? Please feel free to share in the comments section!
Happy Allergy Awareness Month!
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